Thursday, November 26, 2009


It's 7.30 am. I'm just out of my bed and heading towards my hall. I'm still feeling sleepy and wondering if I should go back to bed and getup after two hours or should I read the news paper. I choose to do the latter one. The front page of news paper read "It has cost Rs 31 Crore to keep Kasab alive and safe". Kasab, the only terrorist who was captured by mumbai police during the 26/11 after the nightmare created by these bastards. I don’t understand why the hell Indian government want to spend 31 crores to keep him alive and why the hell he has to be kept safe?31 crore is not an small amount to waste on terrorist like kasab who has ruined many 'innocent' peoples lives. he is responsible for killing so many bread earners of the family, he is responsible for killing a son, a daughter, a father, a mother and many loved ones. It is really frustrating to see that Indian government is not taken any rigorous action on kasab or on terrorism, instead they had given him royal treatment in the jail by giving him 'biryani'. I remember the dialogue which was said by Naseeruddin Shah in the movie "A Wednesday".What are we doing as common people? We are just getting 'used to' such non-sense and terrorism acts and moving on with our lives instead of taking action against it. We are feeling relieved that somebody in our neighbor was a victim in the terror attack and not us.We just make anniversary of such attacks and speak about it. We are very good at speaking or writing like what I've done now. we are "All talk and no action". Do we ever realize the worth of the lives which were taken away by terrorists like Ajmal Kasab at CST station, Leopold Cafe, Taj and Trident Oberoi or at Nariman house? We are just good at paying tribute to the victims by lighting a candle or spending Rs.31 crore on bastards like kasab.
We are Cowards!! Many people advised me not to blog such sensitive issues on blogs..!!! huh.. This is we...!!

Not unless you lose your loved one....would you actually feel the pain.

P.S. I simply loved Mr.Amitabh Bachan’s words below.
A year ago we sat helpless and angry at what unfolded before our eyes. A year after, we show solidarity in our feelings, remember those that sacrificed their entire existence so we could be well enough to remember them, make patriotic and emotional statements and get back to doing our job, promoting our films, writing our blogs. All those vulnerable spots that had been attacked are now bastions of heightened security, amphibious armed vehicles, commando units in force one attire, march pasts, hours and hours of dedicated broadcasting, editorials and pictured quotes from celebrities, an abundance of candles and prayer, placards of denouncement and strong will, politician bashing and more ….